Monday, October 28, 2019

Painting and General Duties

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation has someone who can do your painting and general duties around your house. Please contact us at 0764317148 or Gordon at 0622091219.

Help us to give hope to the hopeless.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation | Community Crowdfunding Page with GoGetFunding

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation | Community Crowdfunding Page with GoGetFunding
Restore lives and give new hope to homeless individuals
How can we restore lives?
What can the organisation do to give hope?
Who are the homeless individuals?

These are the questions that the management of this organisation have to find answers for. They have to look at it in general, internationally and on a national level, and in particular the Western Cape.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assisting the sick

 The organisation will be called "The Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation."
Its shortened name will be GASRM (Hereinafter referred to as the organisation).
  Physical Address
68 Goldsmith Road, Salt River, Cape Town


Restore lives and give new hope to homeless individuals


The organization’s main objectives are to: 

Build and enhance strong families and family relationships, assist families that will influence the community, inform people of all ages about public health care its implications for daily living, and to encourage and train people in the volunteering of their gifts and talents in the community, people to go back to school, assist people in career guidance, to support the work of the wider social development community, and any other bodies and agencies which the organisation deems appropriate, to express love in practical ways to those in need, to prepare members to become leaders in society, to encourage and permits all races and people of all beliefs to join the organisation, also to assist in the development of digital literacy skills, to engage with drug abuse individuals, engage with people that lost hope in life, to give hope to the ones that feel mentally, physically and spiritually homeless, to assist in the getting of identity documents,  assist individuals that land on the street because of abusive relationships.

The organization’s secondary objectives will be to:

Cooperate with all other organizations to handle the waste, work together with other community
organizations in the fight against poverty, crime, and unemployment cooperate with the government of the country in the matters to zero hunger, waste management under the constitution of the country.