Sunday, August 30, 2020

Feeding the passion at Golden Anchor

The staff members of Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation try to make a Sunday special to the street dwellers. They given food for these vulnerable people. The people were very happy to receive the food and the traditional African drink, mageu, made of maize meal. They thanked the team for their efforts and that they think about them on a Sunday.

Friday, August 28, 2020

People dwelling the street are eating cooked food.

Feeding the street dwellers in Observatory. People need food. They were very glad to receive food. Hunger and unemployment are a reality. People will do everything to get a plate of food. What struck me is that they are calling each other to collect food. If one cannot come and fetch the food, his or her friend will take food for him. 


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

No hunger to children

 Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is taking feeding of the children seriously. They are going out of their way to fight hunger. They are busy moving into a hostel where most women and children are staying and fighting hunger. If it comes to feeding the children the Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation Team sees no boundaries. The Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation believes they can make a difference in the life of a needy child by feeding them.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Motivation through feeding

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is still busy feeding the daily job seekers. The plate of food helps to motivate daily job seekers. Some of them will only have this plate for the day. Sometimes do not have any luck in finding a job for the day.  

Monday, August 17, 2020

Food parcels from the mayor of Cape Town

 Mayoral Fund of Cape Town supply Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation with food parcels for the Salt River, Woodstock community. The people were very glad to receive the food parcel during this time of COVID-19.

We also distributed food parcels in Salt River

The communities received the food parcels well. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Every woman counts, every woman is important

 Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is aware that every woman is important. The organization goes into informal settlements to show their appreciation of women. We treated the women with respect by giving them a present. They received a cup of soup, soap, and sanitary towels. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Celebrating women

 Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation celebrating women by giving them sanitary towels and milk to the children. The organization recognized the important role women play in the community


Young women taking the lead

 Arlene a volunteer at Golden Anchor Solid Rock feeding children in Klapmuts. She went to feed them in the park where they are playing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Fighting hunger in every corner where kids are playing.

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is fighting hunger in every corner. Welcome, Chrizelda, our new volunteer to the team. The aim of the organization is to ensure that many kids go without hunger. Chriszelda volunteer to feed some to the children in the Woodstock, Cape Town area. She is doing the project with items from donors. We want to thank our donors #breadlineafrica, #foodforwardsa, #woodstockbrewery