Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Feeding waste pickers and street dwellers

 The Golden Anchor Solid Rock team do what they do best in feeding the vulnerable. Sunday was very productive, the team feeds the street dwellers and waste pickers in the Observatory area. The team is feeding these people on foot. They are moving one spot to another carrying the buckets with the food. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

World Homeless Day 10 October 2020

 Draw attention to homeless people. What are you doing to help homeless people in your community? Homeless people are a real issue in our country and our communities. Did you ever have to eat out of a trash bin?

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Supporting woman who do waste picking

 Supporting women who do waste picking to support their families. This woman is collecting waste to feed her two children. The children attending school and her husband are unemployed. Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is supporting this woman by giving her bread and food parcels. The woman showed that she is glad for the support the organization gives to her and her children. Golden Anchor needs donations to help the woman support their families and to end hunger. Please contact at

Monday, October 5, 2020

Thanks Hester from Woodstock CAN

 Thanks, Hester from Woodstock Community Action Network for donating the bread in aid of feeding the street dwellers and waste pickers.

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation needs donations to sustain the feeding project. Anyone with food donations can contact us at or 0764317148. We ran out of food supply and need your donations to feed these people.

Fight hunger amongst street people and waste pickers

 The aim of Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is to fight hunger in most uncomfortable places and give hope to homeless individuals. We need help in any form as we ran out of the food supply. Please support us with any food donations. We supply these foods amongst the street dwellers, waste pickers, and daily job seekers. Help us make a difference in our community.

You can contact us at 0764317148 or email:

Saturday, October 3, 2020

NPO workshop 02 October 2020

 One of the board members of Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation attended a workshop on how to raise funds and keep donors. The workshop facilitator was Frank Julie. The NPO members attended the workshop well, and it was very informative as some of the older members talked about their experience in the field. It is very important to train the board members of the organization. They highlighted transparency as very important in the organization. They also highlighted the importance of a fundraising strategy and a marketing strategy.