Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Serving the most vulnerable in the community

The people in the picture enjoyed the food. The team still feeding the people in the community on feet. The lady sitting recovered from a stroke. She managed to walk without a wheelchair. They thanked the team for the feed and some asked more a second plate because they said the food was delicious.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Still feeding the vulnerable

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is reaching out to the most needy. In the above picture the team is feeding the most vulnerable in an informal settlement. The people were very glad to see the team with the food. The response of one person "may the Lord bless you guys, that you will receive more, blessed are the hands that give."

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Party for the needy children in Salt River, Cape Town.

Sheradia Brown in Salt River prepared a party for the vulnerable children in the area. She invited Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation to the party. Thanks to @smile904fm for donating the masks.
The children were in a party mood. Hence, the child in the picture not only come to enjoy herself but also to gather supper for her family. She said to her little brother "the food you cannot finish I will take it home and you can eat it tonight. I will take my food for mommy. She can eat it for supper." Thanks again Sheradia Brown for what you are doing for the needy children in Salt River. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Season greetings

 To all our beneficiaries and donors. Wishing you the best for 2021.

Donor donated masks

 The @Smile904FM donated masks to Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation. Thank you very much for the donation. This donation comes when we need it most.

Another donor donated containers

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Dinner speech 2020 "Rights of the vulnerable matters"

 The video is about the rights of the vulnerable that matters. Most of the people who attended the dinner were running a feeding NPO. The dinner was used to create an opportunity to network with the different NPO's to find out what they are doing. The result was positive. There were two NPO's that will work together with other NPO's in the community. 


Feeding refugees.

 Khanya is doing what he does best, feeding a refugee. The man said: "Thank you guys, the Lord sent you here as I am hungry and looking for a place to sleep. I am a refugee and sleeping on the street."

The other group were also very glad to receive food and their responses were: "May the Lord bless you and your family.", " Thank you for what you do for us.", " Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing.", "Where do you get the food to give to us?", " May the Lord bless your sponsor."

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Academic Librarians get involved in their communities during COVID-19 pandemic

Published in LIASA-in-touch (2020)


Dinner create a network opportunity

The dinner was an immense success. The people who attended the event said they enjoyed it and want to attend again next time. The food was delicious and everybody could have enough. It was an opportunity to network with other organizations in the community. There were three organizations in the same area but each one is doing a different project e.g. the one focuses on neglected children, the other one on street dwellers and waste pickers, the other one on homeless people.


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Rights of the vulnerable matters

 TThe dinner was a huge success. Thanks to all the people that contributed to the event and supported the organization. That is with your contributions big or small that we could be able to bring change in the lives of many vulnerable people around us. The lives of every person on this earth matters. Yes, the rights of the vulnerable matter. They deserved to be treated with respect. 

The testimony of the below person was motivational. She told the people at the dinner; she met the guy who handed out soup and bread on the street. She said she was hungry and landed on the street and was crying when the man approached her. She told the man that she does not know street life, but circumstances forced her to stay on the street. The guy motivated her and thereafter she met a lady who took her in. The lady assisted her to get her job back. She is a qualified professional nurse.

She thanks Gerald Louw for listening to her and for the soup and bread he gives her while she was staying on the street. Little did Gerald know the person he motivated on the street was a qualified professional nurse but he still treated her with respect.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Dirty container or empty stomach.

 Thank you, Tammy, for the donation of these containers. I am super excited because it breaks my heart if the people must look for containers. They will take any container on the street to collect their food. The problem I have is, I want to restore their dignity, but they must collect their food in dirty containers. Therefore, thank you Tammy again for the containers. Please donate any containers it really helps. The struggle is really real on the streets. Sometimes the street dwellers are collecting containers from the bins because they need the food. You, as a person who gives the food to them, must decide, will you give the food in the half clean container or must they sleep with an empty stomach?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Rights of the vulnerable matters

 Preparing food for the vulnerable. Our upcoming dinner theme is "Rights of the vulnerable matters". Can the vulnerable really say my right matters? What if the one vulnerable being abused by the system and money? I am just asking. Can that vulnerable also freely say that his or her rights matter? We have to work towards a society where the rights of each vulnerable matter it does not matter who the person is. Rights of the vulnerable matters, Rights of the vulnerable matters, Rights of the vulnerable matters.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Children and two minutes noodles

 Two minutes noodles are still the favorite of the kids. The children in the informal settlement showed how glad they were when receiving the noodles.
The children could not hide their smiles when receiving these noodles. They asked to have more packets.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Giving hope to the vulnerable

 There are people out there who need food. They appreciate every little food they get, but there are also those who do not take it. What I realize is that although these people are staying outside, they still want to exercise their right to choose what they want to eat. The below group was very glad to see the team with the food. Some responses were "Thank you for thinking about us.". "May Lord bless you.", "Thank you, I did not eat today.", "I can take for my partner who is sick"


Friday, December 4, 2020

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Feeding the vulnerable

Supporting in Observatory

Reaching out to the children in one of our sub soup kitchens in Delft


Donations received

 Thanks to our donors for the generous donations,

This milk will help our sub kitchens to provide porridge to the children in need.

We also received this sanitizer and hand soap from a donor, thank you once again for the support.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Feeding the homeless people on the streets

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is feeding the homeless people. The reception by the new crowd was very welcoming. They asked the team to come back and visit them more. They asked for soap. One of the people in the group of homeless people offered her help. As she knew the crowd, she called them by name to come and fetch their soup, bread, and energy bar. They liked the energy bar. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The struggle for food is real

 Thank you, Hester Bergh, for your donation of bread, soup, and the emergency food ration stick to the Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation in aid of feeding the street dwellers and waste pickers. The fight against hunger is a community project. The vulnerable appreciated the soup, bread, and the energy bar.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Do they deserve a second change in life

 We are serving the marginalized with a plate of food. The people staying here have their own problems and issues to deal with. There are those who ran away from their homes and others who cannot find a place to stay. This informal settlement is a place for them to call home. Drug use is every day happening here. This does not mean that these people cannot change their lives. One person who used to come here is on his way to recovery. The organization showed support and love to the person and today the person is busy with a qualification to better his life. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

NATIONAL HOMELESS NETWORK: Silent epidemic: No place called home

NATIONAL HOMELESS NETWORK: Silent epidemic: No place called home: Covid lockdown regulations shine the spotlight on a social problem that’s worsening.

This conference was very informative. The conference highlights the importance of homelessness and what the NPO's can do to help people experience homelessness. The problem is bigger than we thought. It was also said that the NPO's must have a holistic approach when treating homeless people. Their body soul and spirit need attention.   

Friday, November 6, 2020

Team members of GASRF

Meet some team members from left: Gerald Louw, Wellington Ndzunga, Thozama Bici and Jacques Manuel.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Feeding waste pickers and street dwellers

 The Golden Anchor Solid Rock team do what they do best in feeding the vulnerable. Sunday was very productive, the team feeds the street dwellers and waste pickers in the Observatory area. The team is feeding these people on foot. They are moving one spot to another carrying the buckets with the food. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

World Homeless Day 10 October 2020

 Draw attention to homeless people. What are you doing to help homeless people in your community? Homeless people are a real issue in our country and our communities. Did you ever have to eat out of a trash bin?

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Supporting woman who do waste picking

 Supporting women who do waste picking to support their families. This woman is collecting waste to feed her two children. The children attending school and her husband are unemployed. Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is supporting this woman by giving her bread and food parcels. The woman showed that she is glad for the support the organization gives to her and her children. Golden Anchor needs donations to help the woman support their families and to end hunger. Please contact at goldenanchor81@gmail.com

Monday, October 5, 2020

Thanks Hester from Woodstock CAN

 Thanks, Hester from Woodstock Community Action Network for donating the bread in aid of feeding the street dwellers and waste pickers.

Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation needs donations to sustain the feeding project. Anyone with food donations can contact us at goldenanchor81@gmail.com or 0764317148. We ran out of food supply and need your donations to feed these people.

Fight hunger amongst street people and waste pickers

 The aim of Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation is to fight hunger in most uncomfortable places and give hope to homeless individuals. We need help in any form as we ran out of the food supply. Please support us with any food donations. We supply these foods amongst the street dwellers, waste pickers, and daily job seekers. Help us make a difference in our community.

You can contact us at 0764317148 or email: goldenanchor81@gmail.com

Saturday, October 3, 2020

NPO workshop 02 October 2020

 One of the board members of Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation attended a workshop on how to raise funds and keep donors. The workshop facilitator was Frank Julie. The NPO members attended the workshop well, and it was very informative as some of the older members talked about their experience in the field. It is very important to train the board members of the organization. They highlighted transparency as very important in the organization. They also highlighted the importance of a fundraising strategy and a marketing strategy. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

OPINIONISTA: Non-profits deliver vital aid in the Covid-19 pandemic and need our support

OPINIONISTA: Non-profits deliver vital aid in the Covid-19 pandemic and need our support: Non-profit organisations provide vital services to marginalised communities while employing roughly 800,000 people. But due to the economic challenges of the pandemic, South African NPOs have been struck by severe cutbacks in donations and other sources of income.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Feeding without boundaries

 Golden Anchor Solid Rock Foundation team is going strong in feeding the vulnerable on the streets. The team goes out and looking for the people who are hungry and in a need of food. The mission of the team is to feed. They want to make sure that people on the street do not go without food. The challenge is that they do not have enough food or funding to provide food to these people. The people are showing appreciation for the work that the team is doing. 

In the below picture the person said to the team they must also give food to her partner. She gave them directions to the place where the team can find her partner. The people on the street are looking at the wellbeing of the others on the street.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Donate to feed the vulnerable


Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in lower income communities

This is a serious illness in the communities. Communities need information about this problem. If the problem is not attending to it becomes the problem of the community and the government of a country. NPO's must address this issue. There are many children that walk around unattended the result is that they left school and become the problem of society. NPO's can only alert the communities about the illness. 


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Feeding waste pickers

 Feeding the waste pickers. Waste pickers do not get a formal salary. They depend on the waste they gather to make a living and to survive. This waste picker was grateful to receive a hot meal on a Sunday afternoon.